Showing posts with label Z sushi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Z sushi. Show all posts


Kurashiki Anko Festival



Kurashiki Anko Festival
Sweets with red bean paste

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Bichu, Kurashiki Anko Meguri Stamp Ralley
備中・倉敷あんこめぐり スタンプラリー

You walk along Kurashiki and the Bichu region to sample fine sweets with anko.
red bean paste (anko 餡子) süßes Bohnenmus

01 anko festival
Bitchu Area

02 anko kurashiki
Kurashiki Area

03 Kurashiki sweets
Kurashiki sweets

04 Bitchu sweets
Bitchu sweets

05 Tamashima sweets
Tamashima sweets

Click on the photos for enlargement.

The ralley goes from October 17, 2009 till February next year.
48 sweets shops from the area take part in it.
If you collect enough stamps from the shops, you get a present of locally made denim jeans オーダージーンズ!


Kurashiki Tenryo Sushi Matsuri

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Okayama no Matsuri Sushi

Kurashiki no Matsuri Sushi

Kurashiki morning market "Sansai Ichi"
くらしき朝市 三斎市
Form the old custom of having a market on three days in one month.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kojima morning market
こじま朝市 三白市
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Chayacho Demon Festival
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Kurashiki Byobu Matsuri 倉敷屏風祭
Folding Screen Festival
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Shagiri Festival
鴻八幡宮例大祭(しゃぎり 車切)
鴻八幡宮(こうはちまんぐう)Koo Hachimangu
Shagiri-bayashi is a kind of festival music, where the band sits on a float. Flute, large drums and bells are used.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kurashiki Festival Menu (Japanese)

shagiri music is also used during other festivals of Japan.
There is even a bun with an old wheel pattern しゃぎり車, filled with fine red beanpaste and walnuts.

shagiri manjuu しゃぎり饅頭

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村上銘菓 しゃぎり , Murakami, Niigata

Related words

***** WKD Reference



Kiru ... cutting food


Kiru ... cutting food

Cutting makes all the difference, it changes a dead fish into a fine dish of sashimi or sushi ... and so much more.

... kiri or ... giri are most of the compound words with KIRU.

Here we will explore the many ways used in Japan to cut food.

The most important thing is of course

Hocho, wabocho . 和包丁. Knife, knives (hoochoo, waboochoo)
Japanisches Messer, Küchenmesser

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During the samurai area of Japan, the word KIRU was avoided for food as best as possible, since it was a reminder of

harakiri 腹きり / seppuku せっぷく【切腹】
ritual suicide by cutting one's guts open

The word kagamibiraki was used, for example, for cutting the kagami mochi, a New Year decoration, which is traditionally cut and eaten in a ritual called "Kagami biraki" (mirror opening).
"Kagami biraki 鏡開き" (mirror opening)

. . . CLICK here for Photos of these celebrations !


Kiru 切る cutting

butsugiri ぶつぎり see rangiri below
in grobe Stücke hacken

hangestugiri, hangetsu-giri はんげつぎり【半月切り】 into half moons
often used for radish and carrots.
in Halbmonde schneiden

honegiri, honekiri, hone-kiri 骨切り "cutting the bones" of fish
hamo 鱧 / 海鰻 pike conger eel
His many bones are bothering when eating, so they must be cut very finely (honegiri 骨切り "cutting the bones") and the chef who prepares them must learn how to do that. In a span of one SUN 寸 (about 3 cm) you have to make cuts for 26 times in the flesh without cutting the skin below. A special hamo knife is used for this purpose. When it is then dipped into hot water it curls like a cherry blossom flower.
honegiri of hamo, pike conger eel

ichoogiri いちょうぎり【銀杏切り】 cutting in the form of a gingko leaf.
Especially for radish and carrots. A thin slice is cut into for parts.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

itozukuri いとづくり【糸作り】 cutting into strips
usually pieces of raw squid and fish, for sashimi.
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hauchdünn geschnittener Fisch

kakugiri かくぎり【角切り】 cutting in cubes, dicing, or square chunks
Often used for steak prepared on a hot plate.
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Schneiden in Würfel, Gewürfeltes

kakushiboochoo かくしぼうちょう【隠し包丁】 "invisible cut" to make it easier for the heat or taste to penetrate a piece of meat or vegetable like eggplant, radish
also shinobiboochoo しのび包丁
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kanokogiri かのこぎり/ 【鹿の子切り】 "spotted cut" like the back of a young deer (kanoko). cutting little squares.
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karakusagiri からくさ切り cutting of an ika squid

katsuramuki かつらむき(桂剥き)cutting a continuous thin peel
especially for radishes. Now there are also maschines to do this.
A good chef has to train this method for many years to produce very thin stripes of radish.
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kazaribocho, kazari boochoo 飾り包丁 decorative cutting and slashing
. . . CLICK here for Photos of great decorations!

kazarigiri かざりぎり【飾り切り】 cutting out decorative figures.
There are special books on the market to study the design of decorative cuts for food.

kireme 切れ目 make a cut or more
usually for fish or vegetables before cooking, so the heat passes through the meat.

koguchigiri, koguchi-giri 小口切り  cutting into small rounds
Often used for leek.
in Ringe schneiden

kushigatagiri, kushigata-giri 櫛型切り "like a Japanese comb"
Often used for tomatoes and apples.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kammförmig schneiden

matsubagiri 松葉切り cutting forms for the skin of yuzu citrons
ichimonji yuzu 一文字ゆず yuzu skin cut in one small strip "like the character for one"
matsuba yuzu 松葉ゆず to stripes, to look like pine needles
musubi matsuba yuzu 結び松葉ゆず(折れ松葉ゆず) three small stripes, to form a little triangle
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

matsukasagiri, matsukasa-giri 松笠切りcutting "like pine cones"
cutting the surface in little squares, often for ika squid or eggplants.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

mentori 面取り cutting and leveling edges

mijingiri, mijin-giri みじんぎり【微塵切り】cutting into very small pieces
Often used for ginger or carrots
in kleine Stücke schneiden

nanamegiri, naname-giri ななめ【斜め】 in diagonale Scheiben schneiden

ninjin no nejiri ume 人参ねじり梅 plum blossoms cut out of carrots
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. ume ninjin 梅人参(うめにんじん)"plum carrot"  
and table decorations

rangiri, ran-giri  乱切り chopping into chunks
also called
butsugiri ぶつぎり
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Gemüse hacken

sainome-giri, sainome さいのめ【賽の目】 to dice potatoes
in Würfel schneiden

sasagaki ささがき【笹掻き】
a kind of sogigiru そぎ切る
feines schräges Schneiden, so dass feine Blättchen entstehen wie die das Sasa-Gras
feine Blätter abschneiden

sengiri せんぎり(千切り) "one thousand cuts"
shredding, cutting fine strips of cabbage, cutting carrots into juliennes
in lange dünne Streifen schneiden
... hosogiri ... thin stripes
... hyooshigi-giri ... cutting into rectangulars. It looks like wooden clappers (hyooshigi ひょうしぎ【拍子木】 ).

shiraga-negi しらがねぎ【《白髪》葱】 cutting the white of leek in small stripes
in feine Fäden schneiden

sogigiri そぎぎり (削ぎ切り) slant cutting
shaveing into slivers, for example the burdock roots

takeba kyuuri 竹葉きゅうり cucumbers cut like bamboo leaves

tanzakugiri たんざくぎり【短冊切り】 in breite Streifen schneiden

tazunagiri たづな切り(手綱切り) "cut like a horse bridle"
braid cutting
often done with konnyaku pieces

toofu o kiru 豆腐を切る dicing tofu in the hand

usugiri, usu-giri うすぎり【薄切り】 thin slice, cutting in thin slices
fein schneiden; dünn schneiden. in feine Scheiben schneiden
..... atsugiri, atsu-giri 厚切り in dicke Scheiben schneiden

usuzukuri うすづくり 【薄作り/薄造り】cutting in thin slices for sashimi
Mostly fugu globefish. The slice has to be so fine as to show the pattern of the ceramic plate below it.

wagiri わぎり【輪切り】cutting into round slices
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
in runde Scheiben schneiden

zaku-giri ざくぎり【ざく切り】 cut the Chinese cabbage (leaves) into big pieces
grob hacken


Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Just as you take your knife and prepare a dead fish, to make a delicious sashimi out of it, you take your cutting word to bring more depth, beauty and meaning, even rhythm and melody, to your Japanese haiku.

. Kire 切れ, the CUT in Japanese Haiku  



Related words

Chopping board (manaita まな板 / 俎板)




Sake no Hosomichi

. sake 酒 ricewine .

"The Narrow Roads of Ricewine"
(Sake no Hosomichi)

酒のほそみち / 酒のほそ道
This is the title of a long-running weekly manga series by
Razuweru Hosoki ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki
Razu san ラズさん Roswell Hosoki Roswell

He walks along small roads in Japan (like old Basho), meets people, visits various restaurants, samples seasonal food, gives recipies and finishes with a haiku.
Each episode is about 4 - 6 pages long.
The hero of the stories is Iwama Sotatsu 岩間宗達, a normal salaried worker and evening gourmet 飲兵衛

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shuukan manga 週刊漫画 weekly manga

From Hachinohe in Northern Japan

describing the sabasushi 虎鯖 棒すし

. . . CLICK here for Manga Photos !

Reference : ラズウェル細木 Photos.
Rozwell Hosoki was born in 1956 in Yamagata. He was a student at Waseda University in Tokyo.


Hosoki has written more manga about food

Taberu Kado ni wa Fuku Kitaru 食べる門には福来る
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

大江戸酒道楽 ~ 肴と酒の歳時記
Saijiki about good food and drink of Edo

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ひまじん酒場 酔庵夜話

旅する胃袋 (a travelling stomach)
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Oh! Bentoo 弁当

風流つまみ道場 Fuuryuu tsumami doojoo

ラ寿司開店 La Sushi Kaiten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nonbee 呑兵衛 (のんべえ) Nonbei,
nombei, drinker, alcoholic
Trinker, Alkoholiker
nombei yokochoo 飲兵衛横丁 road with drinking restaurants

Things found on the way

Sakaba no hoorooki 吉田類の酒場放浪記
Walking along the sake spots of Tokyo
A popular TV series, BS TBS. with Yoshida Rui
Rui Yoshida no Sakaba Horoki
He visits local izakaya, talks to the proprietor and other guests, samples drinks and food and ends up in a small street, reciting a haiku about the evening.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sakaba saijiki 酒場歳時記
Saijiki of sake drinking spots
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Soba no Hosomichi そばのほそ道
The Narrow Roads of Buckwheat Noodles
宮下武久・著 Takehisa Miyashita
信州そば 面白美味街道
Shinshū soba omoshiro bimi kaidō
2000, Kawabe Shorin (Nagano)


. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard
and an amulet from Shiga prefecture


CLICK for original LINK ...

八戸の 鯖黒々と 冬の海
Hachinohe no saba kuroguro to fuyu no umi

the mackerels of Hachinohe
are black, so black -
ocean in winter

冬晴れや 鯖青々と 飯の上
fuyubare ya saba aoao to ita no ue    

fine winter day -
the mackerels are so blue
on the chopping board

Sotatsu 宗達 (his manga alias)

source : ラズウェル細木 俳句

Related words


***** . Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Hokku about sake and drinking by the Master himself!

***** . Oku no Hosomichi - Matsuo Basho .
奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North


. sake 酒 ricewine .

. kazaridaru 飾り樽 Sake barrel offering .
komodaru 菰樽 / sakegomo 酒薦(さかごも)

- #sake #reiswein #miki #kazaridaru #sakegomo -


Kitaoji Rosanjin Utsuwa


The UTSUWA うつわ【器】, vessel or dish
in which the food is served, is as much of importance to washoku as is the cooking itself.

Rosanjin was known for making his own pottery vessels to fit his food.
He even made some dishes with Japanese poetry inscriptions.

© PHOTO :utahito takakiyo

Most famous restaurants have a separate ... Storehouse, warehouse (kura, dozoo) ... , where they keep different dishes for all seasons, sometimes different one's for every month.

When I learned kaiseki cooking in Kamakura, my teacher had different dishes for every month and some extra for special monthly celebrations like the Boy's Festival or Chrysanthemum Watching.

Here I want to introduce an important person of Japan, whith a great influence on the UTSUWA culture.


Kitaoji Rosanjin (北大路魯山人)
(1883 – 1959)

Kitaooji Rosanjin
a calligrapher, ceramicist and restaurateur in Japan during the first half of the twentieth century. Born in the village of Kamigano he founded the Bishoku Club (Gourmet's Club) in 1921. It became a private restaurant. The Great Tokyo earthquake of 1923 destroyed most of his ceramics collection, and he began making pottery to replace it. He also became a scholar of antique pottery publishing his work during the 1930's. Isamu Noguchi lived on his property for a while during the 1950s.

Rosanjin was mentioned several times on the Japanese TV show Iron Chef as the "mentor" of the "Chairman Kaga" character.

Kaiseki Chef, Yasushi Naoe (born in Oono, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan in 1935) used Rosanjin's museum dishes for very special occasions at Kawai Ryokan in Toyama, Japan.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

! Photos !

CLICK for more English Information


Mountain man who walked the path of art

"Born alone, will die alone;
come alone, will be gone alone;
study alone, walk alone."

This is said to be the mantra of one of Japan's greatest 20th-century artists, the boisterous, arrogant and brilliant Rosanjin Kitaoji.

source : / Robert Yellin

External LINS about Rosanjin


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Wa no Utsuwa, 和の器 Japanese Vessels
wafuu ustuwa 和風器 Japanese plates and dishes

yooki 容器 container, vessel
Gefäß; Behälter


various kinds of plates and bowls
Teller, Schale, Schüssel

CLICK for wafuu plates
sara, ban さら 【皿・盤】 plate, dish, saucer, platter

ashizuki kaku daizara 足付角大皿 large square plate with small legs (for kaiseki meals)
daenkei torizara 楕円取り皿 oblong plater (for indivitual helpings)
fukazara 深皿 dish (deep plate)]
hassunzara, hassun sara 八寸皿 Hassun-plate for kaiseki (about 24 cm long)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
haizara はいざら【灰皿】 ash tray (Aschenbecher)
hiratai 平たい皿 flat dish/ plate
hirazara ひらざら【平皿】 flat dish. flache Platte, flacher Teller
kakunagazara 角長皿 long square plate. lange viereckige Platte
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kareezara カレー皿 plate for curry rice. usually oblong and rather deep.
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kashizara 菓子皿 plate for sweets
kakuzara かくざら【角皿】 plate with four corners. viereckige Platte, viereckiger Teller
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kozara 小皿 small plate . kleiner Teller, kleine Schüssel
nagakakuzara 長角皿 square long plate (for grilled fish)
oogi hirazara 扇平皿 flat dish in the shape of a handfan
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oozara 大皿 platter. großer Teller, große Schüssel
pureeto プレート plate (western style)
sakanazara, sakana sara 魚皿 plate for a fish, often with a fish pattern or itself in the form of a fish
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

CLICK for more sashimi plates
sashimizara, sashimi sara 刺身皿 plate for sashimi, often with a small extra dish for the sauce.
sankakuzara 三角皿 plate with three corners
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
shikakuzara 四角皿 square plate
soosaa ソーサー saucer, western-style plate
sushizara, sushi sara 寿司皿 plate for sushi, sometimes with a cover for a kaiten zushi.
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suupuzara スープ皿 soup plate
teshiozara 手塩皿 small plate for table salt
torizara 取り皿 small plate (for your individual helping). kleiner Teller, um Essen für alle zu verteilen
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ukezara 受け皿 saucer (also used for flower pots). Untertasse
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ukezaratsuki kappu 受け皿つきカップ cup with saucer. Tasse mit Untertasse

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saramawashi さらまわし【皿回し】 spinning plates on a stick


hachi はち【鉢】 bowls of all kinds

asabachi 浅鉢 shallow bowl. flache Schale
chawan 茶碗 ricebowl. lit. "tea cup". Reisschale, Schüssel
chuubachi 中鉢 bowl of middle size
daenbachi, daen hachi 楕円鉢 oblong bowl
daibachi 大鉢 big bowl. grosse Schale
donburi どんぶり【丼】 bowl, usually with a lid of the same pattern. Donburi-Schüssel
donabe 土鍋 earthware pot. irdener Kochtopf
futatsuki wan 蓋付き碗 bowl with a lid (often for chawan mushi)
fukabachi 深鉢 deep bowl. tiefe Schale
guratan sarabachi グラタン皿鉢 bowl for gratin (usually heat-proof)
kakubachi 角鉢 square bowl. viereckige Schale
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katakuchi bachi 片口鉢 bowl with a spout on one side. Schale mit Ausguss an einer Seite
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kobachi 小鉢 small bowl. kleine Schale
mamebachi 豆鉢 very small bowl
meshiwan めしわん【飯椀/飯碗】 bowl for rice. Reisschale
sankaku asabachi 三角浅鉢 shallow bowl with three corners

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tonsui とんすい small bowl with a handle (to take your own portions from a larger pot)
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..... tetsuke tonsui 手付とんすい with a handle. Portionsschale.
It often comes with a small saucer


kigo for all summer

. suzu no hachi 錫の鉢 (すずのはち) small pot of tin  
suzu no sara 錫の皿(すずのさら)plate of tin

. kiriko 切子(きりこ)cut glass  
..... kattogurasu カットグラス
..... gyaman ギヤマン (diamant)
..... biidoro びいどろ (vidro)
For small pots and plates, glasses and more


sawachi ryori 皿鉢料理
Ceremonial Food from Tosa.
Festessen von Tosa
"lit. food served on plates and bowls


cups : kappu カップ cup

chawan 茶碗 tea cup for the tea ceremony. Teetasse
guinomi ぐい呑, ぐい飲み extra large sake cup. großer Sakebecher
koohii kappu コーヒーカップ coffee cup. Kaffeetasse
sakazuki 杯/ さかずき small cup for hot sake. Trinkschale für Reiswein; Sakeschälchen
tei kappu, tii kappu テイーカップ tea cup. Teetasse fuer schwarzen Tee
tii kappu チーカップ tea cup (not very commonly uses)
yunomi 湯のみ(湯呑み) small tea cups. Becher, meist fuer Tee.
(lit. drinking hot water)
. . . CLICK here for yunomi Photos !

. Teacups 湯のみ yunomi with Daruma .


Compiled by Larry Bole

Kigo Hotline, February 2012

sarabachi mo honoka ni yami no yoisuzumi

plates and bowls too
faint in twilight:
evening cool

Tr. Barnhill

plates and bowls
dimly in the darkness
evening cool

Tr. Reichhold

plates and bowls
dim in the twilight--
the evening cool

Tr. Ueda

sara o fumu nezumi no oto no samusa kana

Treading on the dishes,
rats make a noise
of coldness!

Tr. Sawa & Shiffert

The sound
Of a rat on a plate,--
How cold it is!

Tr. Blyth

akikaze ya moyoo no chigau sara futatsu
-- Sekitei Hara (1889-1951)

autumn wind--
with different patterns
two plates

Tr. Ueda

shirasara no fureau oto no yoru no aki
--Yoshiko Yoshino

the sound of white plates
clinking together--
a night in autumn

Tr. Ueda

mo no ie no mashiroki sara no mugetsu kana
--Yoshiko Yoshino

The pure white dishes
of a house in mourning--
harvest moon unseen

Tr. Gurga & Miyashita


source : facebook
セルヴィス・ランベール 「平皿 海老に鯛図」
Homage to Hokusai and Hiroshige 北斎、広重へのオマージュ

My Articles on Japanese Pottery
start from here:

Yakimono 焼物  Daruma in and on pottery    

WASHOKU ... Tableware and Tools





Funaryoori Ships Boats


Food served on board (funaryoori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Humanity


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funaryoori 船料理 (ふなりょうり) food eaten on a ship
Food served on board, for visitors or for the fishermen during work.
The ship can be in motion along a canal or on sea, or fixed to the shore as a swimming restaurant.

funaikesu 船生洲 / 生け簀(ふないけす)"fish preserve" on a boat
fune no ikesu 船の生け簀

ikesubune 生簀船(いけすぶね)boat serving as a fish perserve

ayu ikesu 鮎生簀(あゆいけす), aquarium for ayu sweetfish


the following are NOT KIGO

ikesu 生簀 "fish preserve"
CLICK for more photos
aquarium with live fish, kept until consumption. Mostly in expensive restaurants.
Awabi abalones, crabs and many others are often kept in an ikesu to serve them fresh throughout the year, after the official fishing season is over.

. dai no mono 台の物 food on a high tray .
served on yakatabune 屋形船 "palace boat", river cruise boat


Regional food eaten on board the fishing boats

katsuomeshi かつおめし rice with bonito
used to be eaten on the fishing boats. Fresh fished fish is cut into pieces and simmered together with rice and soy sauce. For flavor, leek and nori are added.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
from Chiba prefecture

magocha, magochazuke まご茶, まご茶漬け
"rice for the grand children"

On board, the fishermen cut fresh bonito, makerels and other fish into small pieces, mixed them with cooked rice, added some leek and poored hot green tea over the mix. It was so good they talked about "giving it to the grandchildren" back home.
from Chiba prefecture

mamakari 飯借り (ままかり) Japanese sardinella
"to borrow rice from your neighbours"

They say the fishermen used to grill the fish right on their boats and when the rice of one boat was eaten, they would drive to the next one and ask for his to share.
from Okayama

suketo no okijiru スケトウの沖汁 / スケトの沖汁
halibutt soup on the boat

prepared by fishermen on the boat. On the fishing trip to Sado island they caught sukettodara すけとうだら(介党鱈) and cut it into bite-size in a pot with miso soup or salt water.
Alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogramma
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
from Niigata prefecture

tekonezushi てこねずし . 手こねずし
fish zushi mixed with the hands

Red fish like katsuo bonito and maguro tuna are sliced for sashimi and marinated in soy sauce. Then they are mixed with sushi rice. Perilla leaves, ginger or other seaweed can be mixed. It started with the fishermen of the SHIMA region on their boats, who did not have much time for preparing meals and mixed it with their hands. The ama divers also eat this.
Mie prefecture
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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Food served on ferry boats フェリーの料理
ferii, from the English ferry.

Essen auf der Fähre

Worldwide use

Fischbehälter im Restaurant

Things found on the way

Darumabune, a Boat だるま舟 Ships called DARUMA


tachiagaru hitori ni yurete funaryoori

one person gets up
and all is shaking -
eating on board

Takahama Toshio 高浜年尾

funaryoori sarasarasara to mizu no oto

eating on board -
sara sara sara
the sound of water

Maeda Goken 前田伍健


Tosa no Funaryoori 



eating on board
urchins chase 'grass hoppers'
landing from the deck

Dalip Daswani India

Related words

WKD : ship, boat and related kigo

***** WASHOKU : General Information




Gangu Folk Toys

. Mingei みんげいクッキー Folk Art Cookies .
. gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys .

Folk Toys (kyoodo gangu) and Food

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Some folk toys (kyoodo gangu 郷土玩具)
are depicted with food items.
Many are made of clay (tsuchi ningyoo 土人形), or straw.
some are clay bells.

mingeihin 民芸品 folk craft
minzokugaku 民俗学 anthropology, ethnology

Here I will collect them as I find them.

Daruma Doll Museum


© PHOTO :takashi okawa. 2004

Daruma celebrating a good catch 大漁だるま
tairyoo Daruma, taigyo Daruma (with a big fish)

Hamamatsu Hariko Doll 浜松張り子

CLICK to read the full story

Konbu Daruma こんぶ達磨 from Himeji


chadoogu, mame chadoogu 豆茶道具 tea ceremony toys

CLICK for external link to IBARAGI DOLLS

Chadoogu, mame chadoogu 豆茶道具 tea ceremony toys
From Imaichi Town, 今市市 Ibaraki
They are also made in Hakone, Kanagawa and other famous woodcarving areas.

Nikko chadogu 日光茶道具 tea toys from Nikko
miniature tea-utensils
First made by the carpenters of the Nikko Toshogu shrine, in their free time.

- source and detailed photos : tochigi-dentoukougeihin

The wood mainly used is from cherry trees, Chinese quince and zelkova.

. Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県 .


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chanoki ningyoo 茶の木人形 dolls carved from the tea tree
Uji, Kyoto
Also called Uji Ningyoo 宇治人形, dolls from Uji
Mostly figures of women picking tea, about 5 to 10 cm high. Some are without colors.
They have been produced since the beginning of the Edo period, when Kanamori Soowa 金森宗和 (1584-1656) Kanamori Sowa started carving a statue of the tea master Sen no Rikyu, who got his tea from Uji. Carved with one knife (ittoobori), some are almost like netsuke.

. Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府) .


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DAIKOKU 大黒天 the God of the Rice Farmers

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EBISU 恵比須(えびす) the God of the Fishermen

Here he is sitting on a sea bream (TAI 鯛) for additional good luck.
TAI is related to MEDETAI, an auspicious occasion.

Ebisu and Daikoku are usually pictured together.
They represent
Umi no Sachi, Yama no Sachi

the bounty of the sea and the mountains !

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welcoming a visitor in a restaurant or shop


INARI, Fushimi Inari, 伏見稲荷 the God of Rice

INARI and the Fox Cult

ine-uma 稲馬 horse carrying harvested rice

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スゲ細工・稲馬 made from sedge


karakuri ningyo からくり人形 mechanic dolls

Karakuri ningyō are mechanized puppets or automata from Japan from the 18th century to 19th century. The word karakuri means a "mechanical device to tease, trick, or take a person by surprise".
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

monkeys making soba buckwheat noodles

One is sifting flour, one is rolling the dough and one is eating the noodles. They move their arms.

From Narai Town, Nagano 奈良井

. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .



kometsuki kuruma 米つき車 wheels for pounding rice
From Aichi, Toshogu 東照宮

This is a kind of KARAKURI doll.

. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .


Koobe ningyoo, Kobe Ningyo 神戸人形
mechanical dolls from Kobe, Kobe Dolls

CLICK here for original LINK .. Man drinking Sake
CLICk for original LINK
Boy cutting melon

. Kobe mechanical dolls 神戸人形 Introduction .


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kijiuma, kiji-uma きじ馬 pheasant with wheels
From Hitoyoshi 人吉, Kumamoto
Many craftsmen of the area made furniture. These toys were made in memory of Kyoto, since many had fled here after the Battle of Dan-no-Ura, when the Heike were defeated in 1185.
. kijiguruma きじ車  pheasant on wheels

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Koi nobori 鯉幟 carp streamers for Boys  
May 5


The beckoning cat welcoming visitors


manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 Boy Eating Manju
From Fushimi
Eating Manju Buns
manjuu kui ningyoo
A boy holds a bun broken in two halves, to show he loves his father and his mother equally. When asked whom he loved more, father or mother, that was his way of showing it. He broke the bun in equal halves and asked: "Which tastes better?"

Now these dolls are bought with a prayer to become pregnant and have such a clever child.

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Fushimi Clay Dolls / 伏見土人形

. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies - Manju .

Here are some more clay dolls with Manju buns.

. Folk Toys from Kyoto .

. Muraoka dolls 村岡人形 - Hyogo -


CLICK for more MITO dolls

noo ningyoo 農人形 dolls of farmers
from Mito 水戸

This one is putting down his hat to collect rice grains left in the field.
Other dolls are making dried plums, fermented soy beans or ricewine.
They are made of metal.

te no hira ni tsuyu no omomi no noo ningyoo

in my palm
the weight of farmer's dolls
wet from the rains

Kageshima Tomoko 影島智子

. Folk toys from IBARAKI / IBARAGI .


sea bream (TAI 鯛) for additional good luck
TAI is related to MEDETAIめでたい, an auspicious occasion.

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iwai tai, iwaitai 祝い鯛、祝鯛 tai sea bream for festivities
They are made from papermachee and straw and sold at the local Nishi no Miya shrine.
from Shizuoka,Yokota Town 横田町の西之宮神
. Hikosan no iwaidai dorei 英彦山の祝鯛土鈴
clay bell with festive sea bream .


CLICK for more Fushimi Dolls
Boy with Sea Bream
Fushimi Ningyoo 伏見人形 doll from Fushimi, Kyoto
also called 富山人形

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pinpin tai ピンピン鯛 sea bream "alive and kicking"
From Kusatsu, Shiga 滋賀・草津

taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on a float
Izumo, Miyoshi and other towns


tawara ushi 俵牛 ox carrying rice barrels

There are many types in Japan. Some are clay bells. They are important auspicious items to thank for a good harvest.


warazaiku 藁細工 things made from straw

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During the winter months, many things were made from rice straw. Mostly necessities like sandals, raincoats and hats, but also some toys and auspicious decorations with rice barrels.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

A lullaby

Nenneko, nenneko nenneko ya!
Kono ko nashite naku-yara?
O-chichi ga taranuka? — o-mama ga taranuka?
Ima ni ototsan no ōtoto no o-kaeri ni
Ame ya, o-kashi ya, hii-hii ya,
Gara-gara, nagureba fuito tatsu
Oki-agari koboshi! — 起き上がり小法師
Neneko, neneko, nenneko ya!

Okiagari koboshi Rolly-Polly Dolls

Sleep, sleep, sleep, little one!
Why does my baby continue to cry?
Is the honorable milk not enough?
is the honorable rice not enough?
Presently when father returns from the Lord's palace,
Sweets will be given to you, and also cake,
and all you want !
And a rattle as well, and a rolly-polly doll
That will stand up immediately
after being thrown down.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, little one!


External Links

with many photos

Japan Toy Museum 日本玩具博物館 
English Homepage

omocha おもちゃ Cooking Toys


Japanese cooking toys おもちゃ

There has been a boom in cooking toys in Japan. Those toys are so attractive that even adults buy them for themselves. Some of popular cooking toys are Takara Tommy's taiyaki (traditional Japanese fish-shaped cake) makers and soft caramel candy makers, Sega Toy's ice cream makers, and Bandai's norimaki (sushi rolls) makers. Using cute cooking toys, both kids and adults can have fun at home.
source : Shizuko's Japan Travel Blog . gojapan.about
International Tokyo Toy Show 2009 .


ushimitsu no wara ningyoo ga warau yoru

after midnight
the straw doll laughs-
what a night

or more literal

the night when
the straw doll laughs
after midnight

anonymous senryu

藁人形 wara ningyo,
a doll used for making a wish to kill or harm a person. At midnight, a nail is hit through the heart of the doll to fix it to a tree in a shrine.

ushi mitsu, the old double-hour of the ox beginning at one o'clock. mitsu signifies the third part of this time slot. A time when the spirits of the dead and the gods are alive too.

"a time when the trees and plants are asleep"


Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶


Kobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - January 5, 1828)

Related words

Daruma Doll Museum

Tairyoobata (tairyobata) 大漁旗 Ships Flags ...
and Big Fish Catch, Tairyoo 大漁 Daruma Doll

***** WASHOKU : General Information

***** . Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. hassaku dango no uma 朔だんご馬/ 八朔団子馬 horse offerings for Hassaku .
Sanuki, Kagawa

玩具菓子 - 郷土玩具と菓子、または遊び菓子 - tba

あてもの菓子 . 弘前の生大王

- source : -


. gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys .
Spielzeug und Legenden

. Mingei みんげいクッキー Folk Art Cookies .

